Safeguarding & Safer Recruitment

Turner Schools is committed to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. It expects all staff and volunteers to share this same commitment. Any appointment is subject to satisfactory recruitment checks, including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Two references are required prior to commencement of employment. We are an equal opportunities employer.

All employees have a duty to keep pupils/students safe, promote their welfare and, to protect them from radicalisation (the Prevent duty), abuse (sexual, physical and emotional), neglect and safeguarding concerns. This duty is, in part, exercised through the development of respectful, caring and professional relationships between employees and pupils/students and behaviour by colleagues that demonstrates integrity, maturity and good judgement. All staff will receive regular appropriate safeguarding and protection training.

Please see our Safeguarding & Child Protection policy and Privacy Notices here: POLICIES