Strong governance is essential to the successful running of any academy trust. Turner Schools is a charitable organisation which relies on the valuable input of a considerable number of non-executive volunteers, supported by an experienced team of staff.
Our Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance. Our Scheme of Delegation ensures each role has clarity.
Members are responsible for determining the governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association. The Articles of Association, as agreed with the Department for Education, set out the details for our management, decision making and running of the Trust. The Members also appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles.
The Board of trustees has collective accountability and responsibility for the academy trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements. The academy trust board provides:
• Strategic leadership of the academy trust: the board defines the trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects. It establishes and fosters the trust’s culture and sets and champions the trust strategy including determining what governance functions are delegated to committees
• Accountability and assurance: the board has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the academy trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping the estate safe and well maintained
• Engagement: the board has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders. The board involves parents, schools and communities so that decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.
View information on the Trust sub-committee, the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
School Challenge and Community Boards serve as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees of any concerns and act as advocates for the children in the schools they serve.
Where incoming schools require significant improvement, trustees may establish an Interim Academy Board to secure rapid improvement and fulfil the role of the Challenge and Community Board.
View our key Governance documents
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
View our Master Funding Agreement (MFA) and further details on the separate Supplemental Funding Agreements (SFAs) for each school.
Governance diversity data 2024
We want our governing boards to reflect the communities we serve.
We use open recruitment channels and encourage applications from under represented groups where appropriate.